Safe Ministries
Guidelines for individuals participating in NYS Prevention of sexual harassment Training
You are using this format due to scheduling conflicts that preclude your participation in the live zoom training session. Here we are endeavoring to replicate, as nearly as possible, the live group experience.
This format consists of five steps:
Log onto the PPC website and select the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training segment.
View the 20-minute video supplied by the NYS Health Department.
Read the four case studies, give some thought to the issues involved, form your personal opinions or questions.
Choose 2 of the 4 studies and express your thoughts about answering the questions of each you have chosen. Send your notes, thoughts and question answers to both Doug Fox (dfox560@gmail.com) and to John Cox (john.cox@rit.edu).
Notify Brenda in the PPC Office that you have completed the above steps.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this experience. It is a vital step in our congregation’s ongoing effort to ensure safety and respect for all who use our facilities. Your personal, prayerful participation is a meaningful part of this important endeavor.
Case Studies and Questions for Interactive Participation - Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Case #2
The church’s Session has designated the pastor as head of staff, with the authority to hire and terminate employees. (This is a longstanding practice, a carryover from the previous pastorate.) When the Session adopted its workplace sexual harassment policy, it seemed natural to designate the pastor as the one to receive complaints of harassment. Now, in advance of one employee’s upcoming annual performance review, the pastor is in a conundrum. For months, the employee has acted toward the pastor in ways which clearly violate the workplace sexual harassment policy. The Personnel Committee, a hybrid of the Session and the Board of Trustees, is not aware of the harassing behaviors or the pastor’s discomfort because the pastor has not disclosed having been a target. (Since the harassment policy went into effect, there have been no accusations received by the pastor against this or any other person.) In addition, the person’s work performance has not met reasonable job expectations, which the Committee will be able to recognize. The pastor is considering another factor. The employee is a member of the church, and part of a family which includes an influential lay leader. ​
Whose problem should this be?
What is your advice to the pastor? And what is your rationale?
Whose problem is this?
What are the issues to consider? Which is the issue of greatest priority?
